The hillock stands a few paces away from the busy national highway, and it takes less than ten minutes to climb to the top. There I find a Christian shrine, the Cross of Jesus...
The hillock stands a few paces away from the busy national highway, and it takes less than ten minutes to climb to the top. There I find a Christian shrine, the Cross of Jesus...
It’s surprising to imagine the dumb ways the annoying changes Corona brought about in me more than I hide from admitting. It deformed me into an inexcusable lazybones as a Hippo – infested with...
I have positioned the tripod steady, the camera gear ready, and my eyes flicker far at the misty horizon. I looked around the place wrapped in silence and shadows; it’s too early to spot...
Besides being on a lookout for orange sunsets, flying skies, and bluish waters, as a photographer, I felt happy to celebrate the quiet remoteness whenever I visited that tranquil landscape. It’s hidden far from...
It’s only a month since they allowed us the liberty to move around, after three months of Corona lockdown. Starved of hurry-scurry noises of the city and pale eyes hungry to peep into the...
For the last two years, I have had made many photographic excursions to the River Krishna in our city. I would take it always as a delightful way to spend Sundays that you can...
I bicker a lot before I wake up and dash out on Sunday mornings. But, without qualms, I jump up quickly and get the backpack ready for the photo outing: a feat which sometimes...
Stayed indoors for over seventy days, I have listened to the experts that a deadly virus infected the world around, and the beast is ready to grab anyone who would venture out and asphyxiate...
Class of -76, it still amazes me what magic has bonded us to a niche so unfalteringly. Although we reached the age of comforting the grandchildren in our laps, untouched by the era of...
The moon seems happily freer; it went around the Earth twice, but I couldn’t step out of my home. The Covid -19 pandemic red-flagged my social mobility and further pushed me into emotional chaos...