The late-night sleep ran disturbed and dreamless, and the beachside cottage has been cozy and dark, the roar of the waves crashing onto the shore rolled restfully and rumbled, and twice I woke up and stared at the blue screen of the cell phone to note the time.
I have planned to rise much well before the sun, in its full resplendent orange, looms out of the horizon and capture the fantastic colors it creates on the surging foamy waves, the golden hues on the skins of early revelers.
Being aquaphobic, it never cheered me up to dive into the massive scary waves; instead, I pulled out and enjoyed the outstretched beach with its bold reflections, of the people, kids, couples, noisy crowds, it made along the glassy sand bed as the waters receded. I stood at a distance watching, alert, holding the camera in position, choosing the best frame to gather the gentle reflections as my eyes moved from people to the sands, to the waves and golden hues deepening up into the horizon.